It can be really challenging to eat well during Passover. Seemingly endless meals, cravings for carbs which must be otherwise satisfied, and those tasty packaged Passover snacks!! There are ways to enjoy the holiday, and look after yourself at the same time.
1) Don’t go into any Passover meals hungry – have a snack beforehand.
2) A piece of matza has the calories of 2 slices of bread but less fibre so it doesn’t fill you up, meaning you tend to eat more. Avocado, cottage cheese or a nut butter are good topping choices.
3) Enjoy the matza eaten during the seder blessings – this or the mazta ball in your soup can be your carb serve for the night, and when the real eating starts take advantage of some of the varied salads and veggies on offer. Half filling your plate with veggies is a good start. Veggies are low in calories, and contain fibre – which will help you feel full and keep you regular.
4) Cast an eye over the buffet and plan what you might choose to eat – nothing is off limits, but portion size is the key. Remember, there will always be leftovers!
Your protein for the meal should be the size of your palm – that includes all the brisket, chicken in your soup, fish ball and boiled egg or egg mayo which you eat.
5) Alcohol, and sweet wine especially provides a fair amount of calories, so sip rather than slurp.
6) Enjoy a dessert at the end of the night, relaxed and surrounded by family and friends. Take time to really savour the moment, and focus on the delicious flavours and texture of your favourite I-cant-believe-its-not-hametz! treat.
7) Use Pesach as an excuse to load up on wholefoods such as eggs (without a drenching of mayonnaise!), fruit, lean meat, and healthy potato recipes. Potato wedges (unpeeled for added vitamins and fibre) are a healthier choice compared to chips.
Or sweet potato chips – my personal fave –
Avoid packaged Pesach goods – often highly refined with added sugar and salt. And drink plenty of water to help guard against constipation.
8) Cauliflower rice or quinoa can be used in place of carbs. Try it
Quinoa must be certified Kosher for Passover.– packed with protein and fibre, it can be used as a stuffing, in place of couscous or rice, or as a salad with chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, Spanish onion, mint, parsley, pinenuts and feta.
9) Breakfast can be a challenge – try Greek yogurt with fruit and a sprinkling of nuts, honey and cinnamon, or a veggie frittata, matza brei with tomatoes and spinach , shakshuka , quinoa porridge or matza granola
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